Organic agriculture is a farming method that produces agriculture products by safe and eco-friendly method such as eliminating the use of synthetic inputs like pesticides and antibiotics. Organic farmers need to strictly follow procedures and standards related to manufacturing organic products and fiber. These standards fully cover production process from the farm to the meals of consumers including soil quality, irrigation, pest control, traditional farming habit, and rules of food additives.
What are organic standards?
- Organic standards are fundamental requirement applied to farming process or labeled or label-projected particular products related to organic farming method.
- Organic products are those manufactured by organic farming. This method requires not to apply toxic synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, and growth stimulants.

Meaning of organic standard
- For producer: Owing a certificate of organic helps producers timely respond to manufacturing issues related to food safety and food hygiene by controlling soil cultivation process, plant nurturing until harvesting. Thereby, it might create high quality and steady products. Units that apply this method will hold trust of distributors, consumers and authorities.
- For community: Applying organic standards will modify traditional living habits. Simultaneously, society could both reduce various cost and ensure food safety and food hygiene, thereby helping to improve community’s living standard.
USA Organic Certificate
Certificate of EU
- Certificate of United States Department of Agriculture, National Organic Standards Board.
- Name of certificate: USDA
- Issue year: 2005
- Website:
This is organic standard certification with the strictest standard in the world- genuine organic standards. There are many levels in USDA certification for organic products; however, only products that contain 95%-100% organic material are labeled with USDA logo on them.
- Certificate of American National Standard Institute
- Name of certification: NSF/ANSI
- Issue year: 2009
- Website:
This certificate was one of the very first organic standard certificates in USA only after USDA.
With NSF’s standard, only if organic cosmetic contain at least 70% organic material (except for water), it will be declared as “contains organic ingredients”. However, some products approved by NSF can use chemical components which are permitted by NSF (list of permitted chemical substances is larger than its of USDA)
Natrue Certificate
- Name of certification: Natrue
- Website:
Products labeled by Nature are manufactured to stringent standards. This standard has three levels of certification:
- organic cosmetics: Certified cosmetics must meet at least 95% organic ingredients.
- natural cosmetics with organic portion: This kind of cosmetic must contains at least 70% organic ingredients.
- natural cosmetics: 100% natural ingredients, not necessarily organic ingredients.
Chứng nhận hữu cơ ÚC
Other certificate
1. Chứng nhận hữu cơ của chính phủ Úc
- Tên chứng nhận: ACO (Australian certified Organic)
- Website:
Sản phẩm hữu cơ theo chứng nhận này cũng được phân làm 4 cấp độ như USDA: - 100% organic - Certified organic: thành phần nguyên liệu ít nhất là 95% organic. - Made with organic ingredients: thành phần ít nhất 70% nguyên liệu organic. - Nnguyên liệu hữu cơ chiếm ít hơn 70% thành phần của sản phẩm: chỉ thể hiện danh sách nguyên liệu trên tem nhãn. Và đương nhiên, thành phần còn lại phải là thực vật được sản xuất tự nhiên hoặc nếu có chất bảo quản/ phụ gia phải là tự nhiên cho phép, hoàn toàn không độc hại.
2. Chứng nhận Organic Food Chain
- Tên chứng nhận: OFC
- Website:
Đây là chứng nhận nông nghiệp hữu cơ được công nhận bởi chính phủ Úc, đảm bảo thực hiện nghiêm ngặt các tiêu chuẩn quốc gia về sản xuất hữu cơ và nông nghiệp sinh học sạch (Bio – dynamic). Sản phẩm theo tiêu chuẩn này cũng có 4 cấp độ: - 100% organic hoặc 100% Bio-dynamic: thành phần chứa 100% nguyên liệu được sản xuất theo tiêu chuẩn yêu cầu của chuẩn này. - Organic hoặc Bio-dynamic: thành phần chứa ít nhất 95% nguyên liệu hữu cơ hoặc quy trình sản xuất sinh học. Các thành phần còn lại phải có nguồn gốc thực vật theo chuẩn này.
- Germany certificate – BDHI
In spite of being called the standard for natural body care products, BDIH requires manufacturers to use organic ingredients wherever possible. BHID defines wherever possible as having full availability and quality as well as what kind of plants are included in this list. Therefore, a product containing 0% organic ingredients can still be BDIH certified. BDIH also maintains a list of ingredients that can be used in products for BDIH members. BDIH is the precursor to create the first organic certification for body care products in the world.
- British Soil Association Certification
- Name of certification : Soil Association
- Website:
This organization only certifies organic products with a more than 95% organic ingredients. For products with between 70% and 95% organic ingredients are also certified by their logo, however the label must indicate the percentage of organic ingredients used and there is no "organic" on the label. This organization does not certify products with organic content of less than 70%. |
- Submit your application to the authorized organic certification body.
- Records include:
+ Detailed description of production activities applying for certification
+ Information on the substances applied to the soil during the 3 years prior to harvesting.
+ List of organic products grown, tended and processed
+ Organic system plan describing the activities and substances used.
- Submit the fee to the certification body
- The certification body evaluating whether organic production is suitable with the organic standards?
- The certification body's auditor examines the on-farm activities of the applicant.
- The certification body shall re-evaluate the dossier together with the expert's report to confirm whether the applicant has complied with the provisions of the organic standards.
- Certification body licensing organic certification
- Every year, the place where the organic certificate is issued must submit a report on production activities to the certification body.
- The expert examines the activity of the farmer on a periodic basis.
- The certification body shall re-evaluate the dossier in combination with the expert's report to certify that the certificate holder has complied with the organic standards.
- Certification body licensing organic recertification
Contact: KNA Cert Co., Ltd
Centre: 11th floor, Ladeco Building, 266 Doi Can street, Ba Dinh District, Ha Noi
Tell: 093.2211.786 – 02438.268.222
Email: Website: