What is Sedex? Sedex Pre-audit – SMETA
✅ Sedex is a non profit organization (NPO) which is established to innovate ethic practices in business and social accountability in global supply chain. ✅ As t...
What is EICC ?
EICC is short form of Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition – a coalition of top electronic companies in the world with the aim to improve efficiency and social responsibility, ethicality and environment in global electronic supply chain.
Code of conduct from Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition® (EICC®) illustrates standards which ensures safe working condition in its supply chain, fair and respecting treatment towards labour, environmentally responsible and ethical business.
This is considered as a part of electronic sector as the aim of this standard is to facilitate enterprises to design, promote, manufacture product. The standard is accepted spontaneously by the enterprise then applied to supply chain and its subcontractors in including contracting labor suppliers.
To apply the Code of conduct and become a participating party (“Participating party”), the enterprise needs to confirm its support for Code of conduct as well as strict compliance with its below standards.
Participating parties must reckon the Code of conduct as the first step of whole supply chain. The participating party at least require the next vendors to recognize and implement this set of rules.
The basic principle to apply the Code is to understand that a business must, in all its activities, comply fully with the laws, rules and regulations of the countries where it operates. The code encourages Participating Party to not only perform more than merely legal adherence, but also follow internationally recognized standards, thereby enhance environmental and social responsibility, as well as ethics in business. In line with the United Nations Principles for Business and Human Rights, the provisions of this Code originates from important international human rights standards, including the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the ILO (International Labor Organization) and the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights.
Below is process of pre-audit and auditing EICC in KNA Cert to help our customers apply EICC in supply chain of electronic sector.
Bước 1: Establish project team and open a kickoff meeting
Bước 2: Analysis inadequacy, review of factory status, control document system as required by EICC
Bước 3: Make detail implementation plan
Bước 4: EICC pre-audit
Bước 5: Set up needed document including:
Bước 6: Issue document system and implementation
Bước 7: EICC compliance audit
Bước 8: Conduct corrective actions
Bước 9: Maintain EICC in the whole system.