"Quality Innovation"

SFP Pre-audit - Sustainable Fiber Program

SFP stands for Sustainable Fiber Program. This program aims to bring the textile and fashion industry closer in ways that preserve people's livelihoods and happiness, reduce poverty and at the same time minimize the impact on the economy and environment. The program provides farmer households, workers, consumers, policymakers and other stakeholders with creative opportunities and economic feasibility.


The objective of the SFP program:

The objective of SFP certification is to access fashion and textile industries in ways that preserve people's livelihoods and happiness, reduce poverty and at the same time minimize the impact on the economy and environment.

This standard mentions:

  • Farmer's welfare on labor rights and reasonable price system.
  • Environmental concerns include GHG by reducing pollutants while using, conserving water and energy to create a safe, hygienic and better working environment. Take advantage economically and socially fairly and transparently.

The subject of SFP

  • Farmer's welfare on labor rights and reasonable price system by improving their working conditions.
  • Environmental concerns including greenhouse gases (GHG) by minimizing pollutants in the process of using, conserving water and energy to create a safe, hygienic and better working environment.
  • Results are presented fairly and transparently, and the feasibility during the journey.
  • This standard covers all-natural fibers of agriculture as well as the animal origin for sustainable development.
  • Natural fibers from agricultural practices: (stems, roots, leaves, seeds, bark, flowers, etc.)
  • Natural fibers from animal production: Animal wool like sheep
  • • Natural fibers from insect farming: Larvae rearing for silk-like fibers.
  • Track and trace the source of raw materials from certified production.

The sustainable fiber certification system is based on three pillars of sustainable development. This standard focuses on the application in agriculture and livestock recognized at local areas and regions. It is simply a combination of good practices and an approved list of chemicals at the recommended dosage. Social criteria, pre-audit and the focus on sustainable productivity. It takes the entire journey into account, from manufactured fibers to the trade period by traceability software like Trace 'N Trade.

Eventually, it has fiber quality parameters - making pollution with unstable fibers easily identified by laboratory analysis.

Benefits of enterprises when having SFP certification 

  •       As for enterprises

SFP-certified Enterprises for their silk products can build their brands and their reputation to customers. Customers are demonstrated that the product they buy is high quality and environment – friendly. SFP certification also helps enterprises develop sustainably thanks to safe and environment – friendly manufacturing and processing process as well as their responsibility for society and ethics in business.

The price of the product is higher compared to the same kind of goods due to being certified SFP, thereby increasing the profits in the long run.

  • To end-customers

Certified - SFP products will make customers feel secure when using because it is made naturally and good for human health.

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