"Quality Innovation"


The Introduction of the Vaad Hoeir of...

The Vaad Hoeir of St. Louis belongs to the Jewish language. In English, it means the American official community of ST. Louis.

What is SA 8000? SA 8000 Pre-audit an...

The issue of corporate’s social accountability has increasingly attracted the attention of not only social organizations, governments, researchers but also ente...

WalMart Factory Capability and Capaci...

FCCA is one of the projects to evaluate the production capacity of Wal-mart's factory. It aims to identify effectively and exactly the production capacity or ca...

GRS - Global Recycled Standard

✅ The Global Recycle Standard (GRS) was originally developed by Control Union Certifications in 2008 ✅ and was transferred its ownership to Textile Exchange on....

Pre-audit - Evaluation of WCA - Workp...

In the context of integration, nowadays, international customers have increasingly desired to have effective measures to assess the working conditions of their....

Pre-audit - Certification ISO 26000

✅ Currently, organization is increasingly concerned about their social accountability.✅ Relation between their activities and surrounding as well as effect on...

Pre-audit service to TAPA Standard -...

Being stolen during transportation is one of the greatest risks to providers of transportation services, and manufacturers who trade high value goods since when...

RWS Pre-audit - The Responsible Wool...

As the consumers have increasingly concerned about the origin of their product, it is necessary for brands and retailers who provide products made of wool to de...

BONSUCRO Pre-audit - Great sugarcane...

✅ Risk management of society and environment is essential for sugarcane growers, ✅ processing facilities, and food companies due to the legal framework as well....

ASC Pre-audit – Aquaculture Stewardsh...

Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) standards and the ASC product chain helps enterprises identify what kinds of fish are farmed responsibly in farms. CoC’s c...