Common questions of CE MARKING
The word "CE" in CE label must be appropriate for the prescribed rate, can be directly labeled on products or packaging. Regardless of the size of "CE" symbol,....
Numerous firms have built their laboratories then put some questions in terms of ISO/ IEC 17025:2017 application to KNA Cert, its benefits to enterprises as well as laboratories. KNA will give some reasons why laboratories should apply ISO/IEC 17025:2017 in this article.
Converting into global integration in Vietnam helps our national economy to strongly develop. Vietnam has built up its reputation in international markets, in other words, our country has gained competitive advantage. One of WTO, AFTA market's requirements is that Vietnam needs to satisfy regulations, follow conventions set by WTO, AFTA,...
According to international requirements, in the field of testing, the testing result must be announced and "One certificate was globally approved." This means that the testing result must begin from laboratories issued "One certificate was globally approved." This task also shows the significance of certification in reducing technical barriers in commerce, avoiding testing/ certification by repetition, saving time and expense; establishing the credibility to their customers (including direct and indirect customers).
Each shipment of export goods is usually attached a testing result of products in that shipment, testing results are usually demanded "globally approved". Participating in international markets helps Vietnam to achieve lots of export contracts so the demand for sending sample models to laboratories globally recognized to gain "globally approved testing result" has been increasingly growing.
If your laboratory is certified ISO/IEC, it will be recognized in the world.
Therefore, a laboratory recognized to be capable will have chances to raising its revenue, making an attempt to become a certified laboratory has been a trend for labs in general, particularly in Vietnam while international economy has strongly developed.
One of requirements to have a "globally approved lab" is that the laboratory mus be recoganized to be appropriate for ISO/ IEC 17025:2017.
In addtition, the ISO 17025:2017 application allows labs to have opportunities to focus on all resources to improve quality and reliability.
More importantly, the measuring and testing results of labs are certified by the State. This is confirmed in Article 16, Chapter III of Decree 179/2004 / ND-CP issued by Government on October 21, 2004, which is: "The results of testing, inspection and quality certification of products, goods and quality management systems of respective testing, inspection and certification organizations shall be prioritized as legal document in domestic product, goods management activities and trading relationship with foreign countries”.
In short, if a laboratory wants to develop in the foreseeable future, it is a mandatory requirement to be accredited in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 international standards regardless of a laboratory of a private enterprise or a laboratory of a long-standing multinational corporation in the world.